AuditDashboard completes its 7th SOC 2® Type 2 Audit to further its commitment to Security as it expands its offering for enterprise customers worldwide.
Read moreRead moreThe true obstacle in your CPA firm that requires significant attention is the request and receipt of client data. This should be one of your main focuses, not...
Read moreRead moreDefining the client experience you want to deliver is key to thinking differently about your service delivery model. Join partners, department heads, and managers...
Read moreRead moreInnovation Debt is the cost incurred by organizations that consistently defer or decline opportunities to integrate new...
Read moreRead moreIn a shared technology model, vendors, sub-service organizations, and users are responsible for upholding specific responsibilities for a system to work effectively. Everyone should understand what shared responsibility means and who is responsible for what.
Read moreRead more"I would recommend AuditDashboard without hesitation. AuditDashboard was quick to help us get up and running. We completed our training on a Friday in late January and were using AuditDashboard with our first group of clients the following Monday....
Read moreRead moreOne of the best questions you can ask a technology vendor is – “In 60 days, after we’ve implemented [new software solution], what are we going to find out that we wish we knew before we got started?”
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