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Why Don't You Manage Your Interruptions Better?

Why Don't You Manage Your Interruptions Better?

How many times have you said or thought, “I can’t get my work done because of all the interruptions!”? They are a curse to your concentration and...

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Press Release

Dave Mundy Named Top 20 Under 40 Honoree

Dave Mundy Named Top 20 Under 40 Honoree

AuditDashboard's President & Founder Dave Mundy named 20 Under 40 Honoree by CPA Practice Advisor.

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Webinar on measuring innovation with the fuller landau digital maturity index

Measuring Innovation With The Fuller Landau Digital Maturity Index

Measuring Innovation With The Fuller Landau Digital Maturity Index

Rates of innovation vary for every organization, yet there is no common framework for quantifying or benchmarking an organization’s digital maturity. With all aspects of business subject to change, we sat down to explore The Fuller Landau Digital Maturity Index, a framework designed to help organizations benchmark their innovation efforts and reflect on ways teams can navigate obstacles that may be preventing them from achieving their goals. As accountants, the concept of measuring innovation or digital maturity instantly resonates because we all know that if you don't measure it, you can't manage it.

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Auditor waiting for PBC Requests

What Is a PBC Request List or PBC List?

What Is a PBC Request List or PBC List?

A thoughtfully developed PBC list is like a project plan. It details the list of supporting information and documentation "prepared by a client" that professionals need to gather to perform their review. Professionals and their clients can also use a PBC Request List to...

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NeonAudit Team
Case Studies

NeonAudit Increases Agility and Efficiency with AuditDashboard

NeonAudit Increases Agility and Efficiency with AuditDashboard

Since NeonAudit started using AuditDashboard, the number of emails exchanged has diminished by a sum measured in four digits, fewer things fall through the cracks, clients have called the solution exceptional, and the team has time to advise more clients.

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